AWS HIPAA Compliance: Ensuring Data Security in Healthcare   

Discover how AWS ensures HIPAA compliance, safeguarding sensitive health data with robust security measures and building trust in the healthcare industry.

July 11, 2023
10 mins read
Last Updated March 19, 2024
AWS HIPAA Compliance

AWS HIPAA Compliance: Ensuring Data Security in Healthcare   

In 2022, an average of 1.94 healthcare data breaches of 500 or more records were reported daily, while August 2023 alone witnessed nearly 12 Million healthcare-related data breaches.

What do these numbers tell? There’s a pressing need for robust data protection in healthcare to safeguard sensitive patient and doctor data.

This is where Amazon Web Services (AWS) steps in, facilitating Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance along with a scalable and reliable infrastructure.

With its array of security tools and a robust infrastructure, AWS helps healthcare organizations to manage the healthcare data while preserving patient confidentiality.

Discover how AWS can be your trusted partner in delivering secure, compliant healthcare solutions, starting with the technical terms.

Elevate your healthcare solutions with industry-leading security and expertise by partnering with Simform, an AWS Healthcare Competency Partner. Our industry experts will guide you developing a healthcare solution with the highest data protection and compliance standards. Connect with us and get started for a healthier, more secure future!

What is HIPAA compliance, and why is it important?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance involves adhering to the rules and regulations mandated by federal law in the United States. This law obliges healthcare organizations and their business associates to safeguard individuals’ Protected Health Information (PHI), ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

PHI includes personally identifiable health information, including medical records, billing details, and patient histories.

HIPAA compliance is vital for several reasons:

  • Ensures patient trust by safeguarding sensitive information, reducing the risk of identity theft and fraud.
  • Mitigates legal and financial repercussions for healthcare organizations in case of data breaches.
  • Promotes interoperability and data exchange while maintaining privacy, which, in turn, enhances patient care and research.

While understanding the basics of HIPAA is essential, if you want to build AWS HIPAA-compliant healthcare products, you should be well-versed in the specific AWS solution requirements for HIPAA compliance.

AWS HIPAA compliance requirements

AWS HIPAA compliance requirements refer to the standards and safeguards that AWS must adhere to when handling healthcare-related data according to HIPAA. These requirements include stringent measures for patient data security, integrity, and confidentiality.

Now, let’s delve into critical aspects of AWS HIPAA compliance:

AWS and data security

When it comes to data security, AWS takes a multi-faceted approach to safeguard your sensitive information effectively:

AWS and Data Security

  • Implement encryption for data at rest and in transit: Use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to manage encryption keys. Encrypt your Amazon RDS databases, Amazon S3 buckets, and EBS volumes.
  • Enforce strict access controls: Utilize AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define and manage access policies. Regularly review and audit permissions to ensure only authorized users can access PHI.
  • Setup logging and monitoring: Enable AWS CloudTrail to log all API calls and AWS Config to track configuration changes. Set up Amazon CloudWatch alarms to alert you of any suspicious activities or unauthorized access attempts.
  • Conduct regular audits and assessments: Conduct periodic security assessments and vulnerability scans to identify and address potential weaknesses. Use AWS Trusted Advisor to get automated guidance for improving security configurations.
  • Implement automated backup and disaster recovery: Execute backup and disaster recovery to ensure the availability and integrity of PHI in case of data loss.
  • Establish data retention policies: Document data retention and disposal policies in compliance with HIPAA. Delete or de-identify PHI when it is no longer necessary.
  • Develop an incident response plan: Develop a plan that outlines the steps to take in case of a security breach or data exposure. Document your response procedures and improve them based on lessons learned.
  • Enforce secure development practices: Use secure coding when developing apps or services that handle PHI. Use AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeCommit for continuous integration and deployment.
  • Document all your data: Maintain comprehensive records of your security practices, policies, and procedures. These documents will be crucial during audits and compliance assessments.
  • Implement audit trails: Execute detailed audit trails for all access to PHI, including user authentication and authorization events. Ensure that these logs are securely stored and regularly reviewed.

Understanding of AWS Shared Responsibility Model

In AWS, the responsibility of safeguarding sensitive healthcare information is shared between AWS and customers, which the Shared Responsibility model ensures.

AWS Shared Responsibility Model

AWS’ Role:

  • Infrastructure security: AWS secures the cloud infrastructure, including data centers, servers, and networking hardware. It implements rigorous physical security measures, access controls, and monitoring to protect against external threats.
  • Compliance enablers: AWS also equips you with tools and services, including AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Key Management Service (KMS), and access to AWS compliance documentation via AWS Artifact.

Customer’s Role:

  • Data protection: As a customer, you bear the responsibility of data protection, which involves encryption, access control, and regular data backups.
  • Application security: You are accountable for securing your applications and systems running on AWS. It includes patching vulnerabilities, implementing firewalls, and having routine security tests.
  • HIPAA compliance: Ensuring your use of AWS complies with HIPAA rules is your responsibility. It includes managing access to healthcare data, conducting risk assessments, and maintaining audit trails.

To apply the AWS Shared Responsibility Model effectively, take these key actions:

  • Implement strong IAM policies and regularly update permissions to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Encrypt data at rest and in transit using AWS KMS and SSL/TLS protocols.
  • Keep your EC2 instances and apps updated with automated patch management.
  • Configure precise network traffic rules to restrict unnecessary access.
  • Set up CloudWatch for real-time monitoring and CloudTrail for audits. Analyze logs for anomalies.
  • Employ automated backups (e.g., Amazon S3) and create disaster recovery plans for data resilience.
  • Stay informed with AWS compliance reports and use AWS Config to maintain standards.
  • Secure code, perform vulnerability assessments and integrate AWS WAF for protection.
  • Educate your team on AWS security best practices for shared responsibility.
  • Develop AWS-specific incident response procedures for swift threat mitigation.
  • Consider third-party security tools to enhance AWS security.
  • Regularly audit and assess adherence to the shared responsibility model while maintaining comprehensive security documentation for reference.
  • Continuously refine your AWS security strategy to adapt to evolving threats and technology.

Architecting for AWS HIPAA compliance is also critical to meeting HIPAA requirements and ensuring that your healthcare-related data is securely managed and transmitted.

Architecting for HIPAA on AWS

To architect for HIPAA compliance on AWS, you need the HIPAA Reference Architecture – a baseline architecture that provides recommendations for data encryption, access controls, audit trails, and other security measures required for HIPAA in healthcare.

Here are its key components:

Architecting HIPAA on AWS

Components Roles
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Create isolated environments for healthcare workloads and control inbound and outbound traffic to safeguard PHI.
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and SQL server Store and manage EHR and other healthcare data. Provides data encryption, automated backups, and continuous monitoring.
Amazon S3 Secure and scalable storage services for PHI. Offers data encryption at rest/in transit, versioning, and access control.
Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail Provide monitoring, logging, and auditing capabilities to track and respond to security events and compliance violations.
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Enable fine-grained control over user and application access. Ensures only authorized personnel can interact with PHI.
AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Manage encryption keys for data at rest and in transit so that you can maintain data confidentiality.
AWS Direct Connect Establish secure and reliable network connectivity between your on-premises data center and AWS.
AWS Config Provide continuous assessment and auditing of your AWS resources.

Now, combine these components with various HIPAA-compliant AWS services listed below to design your healthcare solution.

AWS services for healthcare solutions

Learn which service you can use for which role. Get a comprehensive analysis of AWS HIPAA-eligible services tailored for healthcare solutions and discover diverse scenarios where their applications are invaluable.

AWS service Role in healthcare Scenarios where their application is useful 
Amazon API Gateway Process and transmit protected health information (PHI). Telemedicine integration, patient data access, healthcare IoT
Amazon AppFlow Securely transfer data between SaaS apps such as Salesforce, Marketo, Slack, etc. Patient data integration, telehealth data synchronization, clinical trial data exchange
Amazon Athena Analyze unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data stored in Amazon S3. Analyze EHR for research insights, monitor hospital operational data, identify healthcare fraud/compliance violations
Amazon CloudFront CDN service that accelerates delivery of customer websites, APIs, and video content.  Faster patient data access, secure telemedicine, global health content delivery
AWS IAM Ensure security, compliance, and efficient management of EHR and PHI with Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication).  Secure patient data access, compliance management, and audit trail creation
Amazon Connect Streamline healthcare communication and enhance patient support. Remote patient monitoring, appointment scheduling, telemedicine consultation
Amazon DynamoDB Allow customers to encrypt healthcare databases using keys that customers manage through AWS KMS.  EHR management, inventory management, research data storage
Amazon EC2 Provide scalable and secure cloud services and computing resources for healthcare applications. Medical research, scaling resources to handle patient data, disaster recovery
Amazon EKS Orchestrate secure, scalable, and compliant containerized apps to streamline healthcare IT infrastructure. Data-intensive healthcare analytics, minimizing downtime for critical apps, drug discovery and research
Amazon OpenSearch Facilitate secure, efficient, and compliant medical information storage, retrieval, and analysis.  Research and clinical trials, healthcare fraud detection, analyzing patient feedback and sentiment data
Amazon Lex Provide virtual healthcare assistants, improving efficiency and patient experience.  Medication reminder, symptom triage, resolving patient queries 
Amazon Redshift Manage and analyze large volumes of patient data to enhance medical research. Clinical data analysis, billing and claiming process, genomic research 
Amazon SNS Facilitate real-time communication to notify medical staff of critical updates. Emergency alerts, lab results notification, health awareness campaigns 
Amazon Autoscaling Ensure that hospital and medical services can efficiently adapt to fluctuating patient load. Medical imaging, disaster response, managing telemedicine surges 
AWS Lambda Enable computing for data processing, EHR integration, and real-time analytics.  Drug inventory management, disease outbreak monitoring, patient feedback analysis

This is not an exhaustive list of HIPAA-compliant AWS services. AWS provides various other services, such as AWS Kinesis, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon Glacier, etc., that you may use as per your requirements.

Challenges in achieving HIPAA compliance and best practices to overcome it

While HIPAA non-compliance can lead to legal penalties, financial burdens, and operational disruptions, achieving it may require knowledge of complex regulations, incident response, security risk assessments, documentation, etc.

Challenge 1: Understanding the complex regulatory framework

Navigating the intricate regulatory framework of HIPAA, comprising multiple rules and standards, can be daunting. Each rule carries its unique requirements and compliance obligations. Plus, HIPAA regulations can change, so staying updated and ensuring compliance with the latest requirements is challenging.

Solution: Conduct comprehensive training

Invest in comprehensive HIPAA training for your staff. Ensure that your employees understand the different rules and their specific requirements. Provide ongoing training to update your workforce on any changes or revisions to HIPAA rules. This will empower your team to navigate the complex regulatory framework effectively.

Challenge 2: Ensuring data security, privacy, and third-party compliance

Securing ePHI is a primary concern due to evolving threats. Managing Business Associate Agreements (BAA) with third-party vendors handling ePHI is complex. Furthermore, prompt breach detection and notification is another challenge as it requires immediate action to inform affected parties and regulatory authorities during a security incident. Lastly, addressing patient concerns about data safety and ensuring their rights requires ongoing commitment and expertise.

Solution: Implement robust security measures

First, implement robust data encryption and access control measures to secure ePHI. Conduct regular security assessments and audits to identify and rectify vulnerabilities. Establish clear and thorough Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) with third-party vendors to ensure HIPAA compliance. Implement continuous monitoring and auditing of data access to detect unauthorized activities promptly.

At Simform, we recently helped one of our clients secure sensitive data while developing a tweets-driven market intelligence solution for the pharma industry using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and the least privilege principle to protect data. Here’s how.

Challenge 3: Handling patient access requests

HIPAA grants patients the right to access their PHI, and healthcare providers must promptly respond to these requests. Managing and processing these requests while maintaining compliance can be challenging due to the high volume of requests, the complexity of PHI, the need to balance security and accessibility, HIPAA compliance requirements, timeliness expectations, record-keeping, patient verification, and more.

Solution: Leverage cloud infrastructure and encryption services

Leverage secure cloud infrastructure, such as AWS, with robust encryption services to safeguard patient data during storage and transmission. Implement role-based access controls to restrict system access based on user roles, ensuring only authorized personnel can view sensitive health information.

Use AWS tools like IAM to manage user permissions effectively. Monitor access and activities using AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail to track and audit user interactions with patient data. Regularly review and update security policies and procedures to adapt to evolving threats and regulations.

Build a scalable infrastructure that can handle large volumes of patient data efficiently.

We, at Simform, helped a WHO-backed NGO collect and process millions of critical vaccination data and maintain them on a centralized server with AWS App sync, which ensured that the data collected by the app under low or no internet connectivity gets synced with the server database periodically. Here’s what they achieved.

Challenge 4: Responding to data breaches

Data breaches can occur despite your best efforts to secure PHI. Responding to breaches promptly and effectively to minimize their impact is a significant challenge.

Solution: Develop an incident response plan

Develop a well-defined incident response plan that includes procedures for identifying and reporting breaches, notifying affected individuals and authorities, and mitigating the consequences. Regularly test and update your incident response plan to ensure it remains effective.

At Simform, we confidently prepare for and mitigate security incidents. Our team collaborates closely with your organization to identify vulnerabilities, define protocols, and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations. Learn more about our approach.

Avoiding common misconfigurations for HIPAA compliance on AWS

While tackling the challenges to ensure HIPAA compliance on AWS, avoid these common misconfigurations by taking proactive steps:

  • Data encryption issues: Use services like AWS KMS and in transit with protocols like HTTPS and SLT/TLS to encrypt sensitive data.
  • Inadequate access controls: Implement strict IAM policies to ensure only authorized personnel can access sensitive data or AWS resources. Employ MFA for an extra layer of security.
  • Improper logging and monitoring: Enable CloudTrail and AWS Config to keep comprehensive logs of all activities in your AWS environment. Set up alarms and monitoring to promptly detect and respond to suspicious or unauthorized actions.
  • Secure configuration management: Regularly review and update your AWS configurations to follow HIPAA requirements. Ensure that all software and services are patched and up to date.
  • Data loss issue: Create robust backup and disaster recovery plans to safeguard against data loss. Test these plans to ensure they work effectively.
  • Not signing a BAA: If you use AWS services that involve PHI, ensure that you have signed BAAs with AWS and any other relevant third-party services.
  • Overlooking vulnerabilities: Conduct periodic audits and risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement in your HIPAA strategy.
  • Not securing S3 buckets: Implement appropriate access control for Amazon S3 buckets, such as denying public access and enabling S3 versioning and logging to track and recover from data breaches.
  • Choosing random AWS services: Use HIPAA-eligible AWS services to ensure they are designed to meet the specific requirements of healthcare data.

AWS services are pivotal in helping healthcare giants with a scalable and secure infrastructure. All you have to do is choose the right services and experienced AWS partner for your healthcare organization.

Healthcare giants having HIPAA-compliant apps with Simform

1. A WHO-backed NGO that runs vaccination drives across the globe

A WHO-backed NGO was carrying out various vaccination programs across different geographies. The absence of a central project management system became a massive hurdle in upscaling existing programs and managing teams.


  • Need for the application to work with/without an internet connection.
  • Implementing dynamic forms capabilities to capture on-field information with GPS.
  • Creating a color-coded map to identify areas missed or repeated by the team.
  • Layers of security to safeguard huge data collection.
  • Present all the vaccination data collected as smart graphs.


  • By leveraging AWS App sync, we added automatic data sync functionality. This ensured that the data collected by the app under low or no internet connectivity gets synced.
  • We batched network calls and eliminated unwanted wake-up calls to safeguard battery usage.
  • We created a mapping function of the app that generates various layers on the Map and shows various projects/areas in different colors.
  • Our developers created dynamic form builders that allow clients to change the entire questionnaire smartly based on users’ projects and data input.
  • Lastly, we used PowerBI for intelligent data visualization.

Key Results

  • 2x improvement in project management and its respective operations.
  • 1,306,604 vaccinated dogs.
  • 16+ countries with successful field surgery.

Read the full story here.

2. Tweets-driven market intelligence solution for the pharma industry

The client wanted to build a centralized digital platform that curates views of Key Opinion Leaders in the healthcare and life science domain from 25,000 sources and distills the most relevant findings using concise reports.


  • Implementing a data-retrieval mechanism to retrieve millions of tweets of 1000s of Influencers by using certain keywords or hashtags.
  • Designing microservices-based architecture to translate millions of X (Twitter) data into desired structure to enable strategic decision-making.
  • Performance tuning of a constantly growing database of tweets.
  • Protecting the data, code, or other confidential information.


  • We adopted agile methodologies to achieve the given timeline and furnish real-time analytical solutions by churning big data.
  • Our AWS developers integrated Twitter Historical PowerTrack API that provides access to the entire historical archive of public Twitter data.
  • They optimized the PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon RDS to reduce query response time for displaying KOL feed data.
  • We used AWS Lambda to run Python scripts and ensured that original tweets were filtered automatically from retweets.
  • Last but not least, we provided a secure coding environment by following the principles of least privilege and role-based access control.

Key Results

  • 100% centralized digital platform for curating information and creating concise reports.
  • 1000+ data retrieval mechanism to retrieve millions of tweets from 1000s of influencers.
  • 500 systems to capture the data in batches of 500 tweets every 2 hours.

Learn more

Craft HIPAA-compliant healthcare solutions with an AWS premier consulting partner

HIPAA compliance is an ongoing journey, and Simform, with its proven track record in crafting HIPAA-compliant healthcare solutions using AWS best practices, methodologies, and services, ensures the highest data security standards while providing top-notch healthcare services to your patients.

Hiren is CTO at Simform with an extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups streamline their business performance through data-driven innovation.

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