Improve patient care and streamline operations with our AWS Healthcare expertise

Simform leverages AWS infrastructure and advanced data analysis to create secure, insightful solutions from clinical data, enhancing workflow efficiency while ensuring HIPAA compliance.

AWS healthcare service

Trusted by 900+ happy clients including these Fortune companies

Happy Clients

Your trusted AWS Healthcare competency partner

Healthcare providers struggle with challenges such as protecting sensitive patient data, tackling operational inefficiencies, and meeting increasing demand.

As an AWS Healthcare Competency Partner, Simform excels in optimizing patient data management. We streamline workflows by automating administrative tasks and enforce strict security through encryption and access controls. This enables healthcare providers to prioritize exceptional patient care.

Leverage our AWS Healthcare expertise

Native App Development

Assessment and strategy

Our experts evaluate your current healthcare infrastructure, applications, and workflows to craft a tailored cloud adoption strategy that addresses healthcare-specific needs.


Cloud migration and adoption

We help you migrate your healthcare systems to AWS Cloud, with a focus on security and performance optimization. This ensures a seamless transition that doesn’t disrupt operations.

Business Analysis

Data management and analytics

Our experts create AWS data lakes and warehouses to aggregate data within the healthcare sector. We leverage advanced analytics, ML, and AI to derive valuable insights for enhanced treatment strategies.

Pay as you go

Security and compliance

We tailor AWS solutions for healthcare to meet HIPAA and GDPR standards. This involves stringent access controls, encryption, and auditing that effectively safeguards patient data.

Reduced application latency

App development and modernization

We help you improve patient engagement and administrative efficiency through AWS-based healthcare app development. Our experts use AWS serverless technology to deliver scalable and cost-effective solutions.

Enhanced implementation flexibility

IoT and remote patient monitoring

Our experts make remote patient tracking and real-time data collection possible through IoT. We use AWS IoT for secure device connectivity and management to improve care and reduce readmissions.

Why choose Simform?

With deep cloud expertise honed through a decade of experience, Simform stands at the forefront of healthcare innovation using AWS services. The AWS Healthcare Competency Partner designation solidifies our proficiency in architecting high-performance, ROI-driven cloud healthcare solutions.


AWS certified excellence

Our team comprises 200+ AWS-certified experts and has a proven track record of successful AWS implementations in the healthcare industry.

We understand the nuances, regulations, and unique challenges specific to healthcare organizations and excel in leveraging AWS technologies to solve those challenges.

Faster time-to-market

Simform accelerates the development and deployment of healthcare applications.

By rapidly prototyping healthcare solutions on AWS, we enable your organization to visualize and validate concepts quickly.

AWS Cloud Architecture Framework

Holistic healthcare solutions

We understand that healthcare isn’t just about individual components; it’s about the seamless integration of technology, data, and security.

Our approach is comprehensive and all-encompassing, ensuring that every component of your healthcare IT ecosystem is considered.

Scalability and flexibility

Healthcare is dynamic, and your solutions should be too.

We design and optimize your infrastructure to accommodate changing patient loads, seasonal variations, and unexpected demands without compromising performance.

AWS Security

Work with an official AWS
Premier Consulting Partner

Simform, with its cloud partners, brings you the superpower of cloud-native applications. Our strategic alliances empower organizations like yours to thrive in the cloud.


Learn more about our AWS partner programs

AWS Well Architected logo
AWS Immersion Days logo

Case Studies

Prev Mama Mia
Orthopedicloop CS
Reven AI
Curam Care Case Studies

About Simform’s AWS Practices

  • Simform is an official premier consulting partner of AWS and hence, follows an approved set of practices that define the best work in configuring AWS services. 
  • Devoted subject matter expert to walk you through your project and assist teams during the problems. 
  • A well-structured team of technical officers whose significant tenure belongs to cloud technologies and AWS services.
  • A 24/7 constant communication to help you get through the AWS assistance, zero instances of delayed service. 
  • Simform’s standard auditing and quality assurance over every module of code we deliver through our consulting services.