Cloud App Development

CIO’s, Project managers & IT professionals, we understand all the challenges you face in Cloud. Here, we discuss advanced cloud problems related to Data Security, Integrations, Management, and more.

DevOps Infrastructure as Code: An A-Z IaC Implementation Guide

DevOps July 29, 2022
Last Updated July 10, 2023
DevOps IaC

A few years ago, servers were the irreplaceable menace that gave developers nightmares. Even if one server experienced downtime, the entire system collapsed and finding out the issue required piecing together every misstep and miscalculation. Let’s not even talk about the business lost during this whole time. Fast forward to the present day: IaC is the messiah that the development world was waiting for all along.

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Top 18 DevOps Trends to Watch Out for in 2024 and Beyond

DevOps July 28, 2022
Last Updated January 31, 2024

Over the years, many tech giants have successfully adopted DevOps into their ecosystem, and the key to success is knowing and implementing the latest DevOps Trends of that particular era. This article helps you understand the DevOps trends that will shape the industry and may become the founding stone of your DevOps implementation in 2022 and beyond.

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Multi-region databases:  The why, design principles, and what does AWS offer?

Last Updated March 19, 2024

In 2019, an IT outage at Lloyds Banking Group caused hundreds of thousands of payments to become stranded. Customers had to complain about troubles transferring money on Friday morning, which got annoying. By early afternoon that day, the bank had a backlog of roughly 400,000 unprocessed payments, and it had to request customers not to resend the payments since it could result in duplication.

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10 CI/CD Best Practices for Your DevOps Team

DevOps July 15, 2022
Last Updated February 15, 2024
CI CD Best practices

CI/CD is neither a silver bullet nor a sure-shot medicine to your software development troubles. However, with the right approach, you can improve the CI/CD implementations and enable higher security, flexibility, and reliability of software deployments. So, here are some of the best CI/CD best practices to overcome challenges like security integrations issues, prioritization problems, and multi-environment complexities.

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