Cloud App Development

CIO’s, Project managers & IT professionals, we understand all the challenges you face in Cloud. Here, we discuss advanced cloud problems related to Data Security, Integrations, Management, and more.

AWS Lambda Provisioned Concurrency: Build High-performance Serverless Applications at Scale

Last Updated March 19, 2024
lambda provisioned concurrency

AWS Lambda provides various benefits such as scalability, cost-efficiency, high availability, and more. But it also introduces cold starts and latency, decelerating your applications’ performance. This blog discusses how Lambda provisioned concurrency reduces cold starts and improves the speed and performance of your applications.

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AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP: A Complete Comparison Guide

Last Updated March 19, 2024
AWS vs Azure vs GCP

AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP, the three vendors have cornered a major chunk of the cloud deployment market. A major dilemma that technical decision-makers in organizations who want to deploy cloud face is which cloud vendor to choose. In this blog, we have given a detailed comparison between the cloud majors to help you decide on the best cloud solution for your business.

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CI vs CD: Know the Difference & Draw a Line

DevOps June 23, 2022
Last Updated November 23, 2022
Continuous Integration Vs Continuous Delivery

Despite sounding similar and overlapping at times, continuous integration and continuous delivery are subtly different. In this article, you’ll learn what benefits individual practices bring, what challenges they pose, their workflows, goals, tools, best practices, and more.

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Top 10 Serverless Frameworks for Developing and Deploying Serverless Applications

Last Updated March 08, 2024
top serverless frameworks

Serverless frameworks make FaaS deployment easier, allowing you to spin up serverless architectures quickly. But a pool of frameworks is available today, each with unique features, pros, and cons. To help you pick the right one, here’s a round-up of some popular serverless frameworks discussed with their features and use cases.

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AWS Fargate vs. Lambda: Comparing Two Serverless Solutions and their Use Cases

Last Updated December 13, 2023
aws fargate vs lambda

Despite being fundamentally different as serverless compute engines, there has been an ongoing comparison between AWS’s Fargate and Lambda. To help you choose the right technology for your serverless application, we explore AWS Fargate vs. Lambda in this post, comparing the two based on various factors with examples and use cases.

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