20 ChatGPT Alternatives: Choose the Right One

ChatGPT alternatives are many but which one is best for you? Here is a list!

July 31, 2023
8 mins read
Last Updated June 03, 2024
Alternatives to ChatGPT

20 ChatGPT Alternatives: Choose the Right One

A month ago, a new generative AI called “Gemini” emerged, triggering an AI competition with OpenAI. However, the pursuit of generative AI started with the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022.

Since then, there have been continuous improvements in generative AI iterations. Despite being a leading contender in the AI race, there has been a rising demand for ChatGPT alternatives.

Why? Isn’t ChatGPT efficient?

Yes, it is, but like all other technologies, there are limitations.

For starters, ChatGPT has access to data only up to 2021, which makes it less suitable for real-time data generation. Although ChatGPT premium now offers browsing features through Microsoft Bing, it may not be feasible for organizations on a restricted budget.

This article focuses on ChatGPT alternatives, both free for usage and paid versions that offer additional functionalities.

Leverage customized AI/ML services to develop intelligent features for your applications and APIs to integrate ChatGPT alternatives. Talk to out experts for more information.

Why do you need a ChatGPT alternative?

Cost efficiency to ease of use and overcoming the limitations of the tool, reasons for finding a ChatGPT alternative can be many, such as:.

ChatGPT is free, but for advanced features, you need to pay!

To use ChatGPT’s latest algorithm GPT4 and access web browsing through integrated Bing search, you need to pay a premium price of $20 per month.  ChatGPT charges users a premium price of $20 per month.

ChatGPT Pricing

This may not be cost-feasible for all users or businesses, especially the ones with budget constraints or extensive usage requirements Therefore, it can be advantageous to have an alternative to ChatGPT that offers competitive pricing or a free option.

You need a ChatGPT alternative for advanced features.

Various ChatGPT alternatives have unique features, including human-like responses, accurate and up-to-date answers, customization, search engine integration, content generation, and more.

Depending on the particular use case, individuals or businesses may prioritize certain features that align with their goals.

ChatGPT can be inaccurate at times!

While ChatGPT has gained popularity, it may struggle to provide accurate information about events after 2021, as it is trained on datasets ending that year.

Alternative chatbot models that utilize different training data or extraction methods, such as extracting information directly from the internet, may offer better accuracy for recent events or topics. Users seeking up-to-date and precise information would benefit from such alternatives.

ChatGPT has privacy concerns!

ChatGPT has major privacy concerns, especially the ban from Italy on using the generative tool, and concerns about compliance with GDPR are two significant events.

Users may be hesitant to share sensitive information or have their conversations stored and analyzed. Having ChatGPT alternatives that prioritize user privacy by implementing robust data protection measures and ensuring secure communication channels is essential.

Privacy-focused alternatives give users peace of mind and assurance that their data is handled responsibly.

ChatGPT has availability issues!

ChatGPT’s popularity has resulted in high demand, leading to capacity constraints and limited accessibility for new users.

A range of alternative options allows users to explore and choose from various available platforms, ensuring they can find a suitable chatbot that meets their requirements without facing accessibility challenges.

So, look for alternatives to ChatGPT with competitive pricing, various features, improved accuracy, privacy safeguards, and better availability.

Read the Complete Guide of GPT Model!

Top 20 ChatGPT alternatives for your projects

An alternative to ChatGPT may vary depending on cost, features, accuracy, privacy, and availability. Check out these top 20 alternatives that  offer advanced functionalities and overcome all the limitations.

#1. Gemini

Gemini is a generative AI tool and natural language processing(NLP) system developed by Google using a large language mode(LLM) called “PALM 2(Pathways Language Model).” This LLM model can generate text, translate languages, create creative content, and answer questions, by training on a large dataset of text and code.

What makes it an effective ChatGPT alternative is the access to real-time data on the internet.

Key features of Gemini:

  • Sentiment analysis
  • Entity recognition
  • Intent classification,
  • Automatic translation between different languages
  • Answers to medical queries
  • Generate new code and debug it

#2. Perplexity.AI

Perplexity.AI is a helpful resource for finding accurate information on various topics, perfect for students, researchers, and anyone in need of comprehensive answers.

Perplexity.AI is a chatbot and search engine that uses natural language processing and machine learning to give precise answers to user inquiries. This tool is created to provide real-time web search results and current information on various topics.


What makes it worthy of ChatGPT alternative is the ability of users to use the latest GPT4 language model for free. You can use GPT4 for free with Perplexity.AI through the copilot feature, which requires signup.

Perplexity.AI combines the capabilities of GPT4 with search engine capabilities making a researcher’s delight.

Key features of Perplexity.AI:

  • Provides users with customized search results based on their preferences and interests
  • Broadens the scope of user queries, providing comprehensive and useful results
  • Interprets and processes human language
  • Emphasizes scientific fact and verification through a rigorous citation process
  • Allows users to choose the sources from which information is retrieved
  • Offers a multitude of options for users to curate their research experience
  • Useful for seeking answers to technical queries

#3. Bing Chat

Bing Chat is one of the leading ChatGPT alternatives which use advanced GPT4 technology. It’s seamlessly integrated into the Microsoft Edge browser, making it easily accessible. Bing provides users the ability to generate text or data with three modes,

  • Creative
  • Precise
  • Balanced
Bing Chat Feature

Key features of the Bing Chat:

  • Provides the capability of text-based chats with an AI algorithm like ChatGPT
  • Integrates with the Microsoft 365 suite of productivity tools seamlessly
  • Leverages the power of the Bing search engine to provide users with intelligent search capabilities
  • Supports the encryption of chat conversations, complies with industry standards for data protection, and offers administrative controls for managing user access
  • Allows users to stay connected and engaged on various devices
  • Promotes effective communication, coordination, and task management within teams
  • Enables individuals to tailor their environment based on their preferences and work style

#4. Jasper Chat

Jasper Chat is similar to ChatGPT in terms of functionalities except for the pricing and user base. While ChatGPT is accessible to a broad range of users, Jasper Chat is specifically designed for marketing and sales agencies, media businesses, and advertising companies.

Jasper Chat uses GPT3.5 under the hood and offers web access through Google search, which you can turn on through a toggle on the dashboard. However, Jasper Chat is far more expensive than ChatGPT, starting from around $39 per month compared to $20 per month of ChatGPT Plus membership.

Key features of Jasper Chat:

  • Can be used for social media marketing, sales, and other forms of marketing
  • Comes with a user-friendly interface
  • Offers a more conversational style for interaction with the AI models compared to ChatGPT

#5. Claude

Claude is a dependable, versatile AI-powered assistant with coding and creative writing capabilities. The generative AI tool is safe to use and can tailor its personality based on user input.

Key features of Claude:

  • Offers a chat interface or an API in the developer console
  • Provides generative AI capabilities for summarization, search, creative and collaborative writing, Q&A, coding, and more
  • Provides two versions: a regular chatbot and a lighter version with better speed
  • Offers 100,000 tokens compared to the 4096 tokens provided by ChatGPT

#6. Chatsonic

Chatsonic is one of the few ChatGPT alternatives that support voice input. The AI-based chatbot has limitations in usage because it is designed for specific tasks like making reservations, providing customer service, and others.

Businesses can leverage this alternative for efficient and creative output. Chatsonic also provides higher scalability than ChatGPT, making it an ideal alternative.

Key features of Chatsonic:

  • Offers specific task competition capabilities
  • Handles a high volume of requests simultaneously
  • Provides easy-to-use UI
  • Supports voice input

#7.  Neeva.AI

Neeva AI is an impressive search engine with generative AI capabilities and a vast collection of reliable sources and citations. In simple terms, it works as a search-based AI assistant, like a ChatGPT, combining the strength of generative AI with a search engine.

Key features of Neeva AI:

  • Offers real-time search experience
  • Provides summaries, citations, and sources of information
  • Enables better accuracy of information
  • Provides personalized results for users based on search history
  • Offers higher customization options for users

#8. YouChat

Like Neeva.AI, YouChat is another ChatGPT alternative that combines search engine and generative AI capabilities. It integrates You.com, a search engine that offers conversational AI features.

A key advantage of using YouChat over ChatGPT is that it sources information from more than 150 apps that, include the likes of Twitter, Amazon, StackOverflow, etc.

So, businesses can not only get accurate information but also have in-depth knowledge on the topic. Further, YouChat provides better logical responses for complex topics and queries.

Key features of YouChat:

  • Offers access to the internet with generative AI capabilities
  • Solves logical queries quickly
  • Free to use and does not require a premium subscription

#9. Character.AI

Character.AI offers real-time live chats with a vast array of AI-powered characters. It is an effective alternative to ChatGPT designed to create engaging, immersive dialogues that help developers fine-tune their storytelling.  What makes it unique is the characterization of  AI which allows advanced capabilities.

Here is an example of a query related to Python code that Character AI’s senior developer characterized model provides.

Character AI example

However, it does not stop at programming or marketing use cases. You can use Character.AI for expert-level resolutions for your queries across business domains, like,

  • Marketing
  • Coding
  • Education
  • Gaming
  • Media and entertainment

Key features of Character.AI:

  • Generates real-life characters to interact with for users, which they can customize
  • Creates human-to-human-like conversations using advanced NLP technology
  • Provides easier integration across platforms and applications
  • Offers data access control with higher privacy for users

#10. Elicit

Elicit is an AI-powered research assistant and one of the top ChatGPT alternatives, with advanced language models like GPT-3.  It particularly focuses on literature review.

Elicit generates a user-friendly table with relevant papers and essential information summaries whenever a user questions. This makes Elicit an ideal alternative to ChatGPT, specifically for students and researchers who require quick access to detailed research reports.

Key features of Elicit:

  • Uses language models to automate the literature review process in research
  • Quickly locates relevant papers on a specific research topic
  • Analyze and organize multiple research papers as per the user’s request
  • Summarizes evidence from top-cited papers on a research topic
  • Provides the capability of identifying an effective search term

#11. Learnt. AI

Learnt.AI is an educational ChatGPT alternative for students, researchers, and academics. It uses the underlying GPT model to generate human-like responses for learning objectives, assessment questions, and research on academic topics.

Unlike ChatGPT, a more generalized tool, Learnt.AI offers specific capabilities for educational professionals.

Key features of Learnt.AI:

  • Provides the ability to generate learning objectives on any topic
  • Offers the capability to create engaging icebreakers and activities
  • Has the ability to write assessment questions with ease
  • Automateslesson creation to save time and money
  • Personalized learning experiences to boost student performance
  • Analysesstudent performance data to inform teaching strategies

#12. CoPilot

CoPilot is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI. It has been trained on various internet texts and can generate responses based on the given inputs. However, unlike ChatGPT, CoPilot is designed to assist with coding tasks. It understands programming languages and can provide code suggestions, complete code snippets, and assist with debugging.

With CoPilot, developers can collaborate in real-time, utilizing its coding capabilities to improve productivity and efficiency.

Key features of CoPilot:

  • Allows the generation of code snippets and suggestions based on the given context, helping developers write code more efficiently
  • Understands programming languages and provides intelligent code completion suggestions as developers type, saving time and reducing errors
  • Helps with debugging by providing insights, suggesting potential issues in code, and offering solutions to resolve them
  • Supports multiple programming languages, enabling developers to work in their preferred language and still receive code assistance
  • Enables collaboration with other developers, helping teams improve productivity and code quality together

#13. Socratic

Google’s Socratic tool uses AI to personalize educational resources for students worldwide. It simplifies complex academic concepts and helps learners understand homework questions, locate online resources, and enhance their problem-solving abilities.

Key features of Socratic:

  • Provides users with the best online resources and helps them understand their problems. Users can either voice their queries or take a photo of their question, and the app will find beneficial results
  • Offers videos, step-by-step explanations, and more to help students learn subjects at their own pace
  • Offers a built-in homework planner and reminder feature

#14. Elsa Speak

Elsa Speak is an excellent option for those who want to learn a new language. This app uses AI technology to help you improve your speaking skills for the new language.

What’s impressive is that Elsa Speak analyzes your speech patterns and tailors personalized lessons to meet your specific needs. It’s like having a personal language tutor on your phone.

Key features Elsa Speak:

  • Helps language learners and teachers identify pronunciation, intonation, and accent improvement areas
  • Provides quick assessments
  • Offers to monitor of achievements with a progress board and graphs
  • Provides immediate feedback on pronunciation and speech patterns

#15. Chatsonic Slack Bot

Chatsonic is one of the best ChatGPT alternatives because of its ability to offer interactions within the user’s Slack channels. It utilizes a hybrid approach involving AI-powered automation and human-in-the-loop verification to provide accurate responses.

Key features of ChatSonic:

  • Works seamlessly within the Slack platform, it allows users to interact with the bot directly through Slack channels or direct messages.
  • Provides a collaborative environment where human operators can train the AI model, fine-tune responses, and share knowledge, improving accuracy and reliability
  • Supports multiple languages, enabling users to interact with the bot in their preferred language
  • Ensures the security of user data and offers scalable solutions to accommodate a growing user base or increased chat volume

#16. CoGram AI

CoGram AI is an advanced tool for data scientists and machine learning engineers. It understands code intricacies and generates accurate code. It also has a built-in debugger, profiler, search engine, documentation generator, and quality checker. It’s reliable and efficient, making it an excellent alternative to ChatGPT for coding tasks.

Key features of CoGram AI:

  • Helps you with various coding tasks, including generating, debugging, documenting, and finding and fixing errors
  • Comes with a built-in debugger that can help you identify and fix code errors
  • Possess a code profiler that helps identify your code’s bottlenecks andimprove its performance
  • Comes with a code search engine that can help you find code you have written in the past.
  • Generates documentation for your code, which can help you to understand and maintain your code

#17. Otter

Otter is an AI-powered transcription and note-taking tool to efficiently capture and organize spoken information from conversations, meetings, interviews, and lectures. It’s a valuable tool for keeping track of important spoken information.

Key features of Otter include:

  • Transcribe spoken words in real-time, capturing conversations as they happen
  • Recognizes and differentiates between different speakers, assigning names to the transcriptions
  • Allows users to search for specific keywords within their transcriptions, making locating and referencing specific parts of the conversation convenient
  • Supports collaborative note-taking by allowing multiple users to simultaneously access and contribute to the same transcription
  • Integrates with popular productivity tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, making capturing and transcribing online meetings directly easy

#18. Botsonic

Botsonic is one of the best  ChatGPT alternatives that offer advanced conversational AI capabilities. It can create AI-driven conversational experiences for websites, engage with users, provide support, and answer queries using GPT-4 and proprietary technology.

With real-time data, voice searches, image processing, and content creation capabilities, Botsonic expands chatbot possibilities and improves ChatGPT’s limitations. It’s an excellent option for businesses looking to enhance customer engagement.

Key features of Botsonic:

  • Provides customizations for businesses
  • Offers comprehensive support for integrating external knowledge bases
  • Allows the chatbot to access relevant information and respond accurately to user queries
  • Provides an embedded script and API key to integrate the personalized chatbot into your website seamlessly

#19. LLaMA by Meta

LLAMA is an open-source ChatGPT alternative that you can use on your computer. It has different sizes and can match OpenAI’s GPT-3 model.

Although LLAMA and other alternatives like BERT are good options for language models, they may not be as advanced as ChatGPT in performing tasks that require complex reasoning. However, you have more control over your data and don’t need an internet connection or subscription fees.

Key features of LLaMA by Meta:

  • Serves as a foundational model for studying large language models
  • Supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, German, and French
  • Comes with pre-trained models that can be fine-tuned on specific datasets to adapt the model’s behavior to particular use cases
  • Allows customization for different NLP tasks, such as text classification, question-answering, and text generation
  • Requires less computing power and resources; researchers without access to significant infrastructure can study and contribute to the field, fostering inclusivity and progress

#20. Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI-powered code generation tool developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Based on existing code and comments, it is designed to provide real-time code recommendations and completions within integrated development environments (IDEs).

CodeWhisperer focuses primarily on supporting code for AWS services, distinguishing it from more general-purpose AI tools like ChatGPT.

Key features of Amazon CodeWhisperer:

  • Seamlessly integrates with modern IDEs such as Visual Studio Code (through the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code), JetBrains (through the AWS Toolkit for JetBrains), AWS Lambda console, and AWS Cloud9
  • Analyzes the code context and comments to generate relevant code suggestions
  • Provides whole-line and full-function code completions as developers write code
  • Automatically generates the corresponding code
  • Scans code to highlight and define security issues, helping developers identify potential vulnerabilities and maintain code security standards
  • Supports multiple programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, and TypeScript
  • Allows users to opt out of sharing their data with AWS, giving developers control over their data privacy

Key takeaways

ChatGPT is not the final frontier in generative AI tools evolution. It began an AI era, with several ChatGPT alternatives emerging and catering to varying business needs. From text to code generation, these tools come with different features, making task completion abilities for businesses quicker and more cost-effective.

However, understanding the core technology behind these tools is crucial to maximizing its capabilities. So, here is an amazing resource on how generative AI works. If you have any further doubts feel free to contact us.

Hiren is CTO at Simform with an extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups streamline their business performance through data-driven innovation.

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