Hiren is CTO at Simform with an extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups streamline their business performance through data-driven innovation.

10 Angular Best Practices to Adapt in 2024

Last Updated January 30, 2024
Angular Best Practices

Whether you’re engaged in building customized web apps as a project manager, a frontend developer, or a CTO, you’ve most likely employed Angular. And it’s also possible that your web-apps may be Angular-powered but may still need the Angular best practices for exceptional app performance and organized code. 

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Database Migration – What It Is, Understanding Needs, and Challenges

Last Updated April 26, 2023
Database Migration Blog post

Adopting emerging technologies have helped businesses in leveraging their overall performance. Database Migration is one of those. If you are planning a migration, what are the challenges involved during database migration? What is the need to do it? Let me walk you through the essentialities before performing database migration.

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Code Quality: Its Importance in Custom Software Development

Last Updated March 13, 2024
Code Quality Importance in Custom Software Development

Code Quality is a term popular among the developers, where maintaining it is an essential part of software development. How code quality impacts the overall software quality? This blog post contains the nitty-gritty of the code quality in software. Let us walk you through the important components that would help in maintaining and improvising the code quality.

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Node.JS Use Case: When & How Node.JS Should be Used

Last Updated October 30, 2023

If Node.js has ever been on your mind –– or you’ve recently started learning it –– you might be asking yourself: where can I use Node.js? If the stats are to be believed, among three in four software engineers incorporate node either in the full stack or in the backend. With the thumping majority of apps using the popular JS run-time environment, it’s a great opportunity to understand all existing Node.js use case and implement it in your organization.

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