3Birds: A digital marketing platform to improve the customer engagement and sales.

Category: Automotive
Services: Managed Engineering Teams, AWS Managed Service API gateway, DevOps, Cloud Architecture Design and Review

  • Uptime increased to 99.9% from 95%.
  • Customer satisfaction score increased by 20%
  • Time to market reduced by 30%
  • 95%  API requests processed on time


3 Birds provides automotive dealerships with a digital marketing platform to improve their customer engagement and sales. The SaaS platform caters digital marketing solutions to all major brands like Hyundai, Jeep, Kia, Honda, GMC, Land Rover and Lexus.

Problem statement

  • The client presented us with various challenges that were impacting their business operations. Multi-tenancy and security were the critical requirements for the client’s SaaS solution. 
  • The client needed a solution that could support multiple tenants while ensuring the security of their data. The client wanted to be able to provide their customers with access to their own data and functionality while also ensuring that each customer’s data was kept separate and secure from other tenants. 
  • Additionally, the client wanted to ensure that the solution had robust security features to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches. To address these requirements, we developed a multi-tenant solution with strong security measures in place, such as user authentication and authorization, data encryption, and regular security audits.
  • One of the issues they faced was related to their monthly expenses, which were posing a significant financial burden. The client was looking for ways to reduce costs without compromising the functionality of their operations.
  • The second challenge that the client faced was related to their S3 bucket, which contained a large amount of data. This data was becoming increasingly difficult to manage and organize, which was impacting the overall efficiency of the system.
  • Finally, the client was experiencing inefficiencies in their system when some API calls were made. This was causing delays and slow response times, which was affecting the client’s ability to provide prompt service to their customers.

Proposed Solution & architecture

  • To address the problems faced by the client, our team proposed and implemented a comprehensive AWS-based solution. 
  • Addressing the first challenge, we designed a fortified multi-tenant solution. Amazon API Gateway ensured stringent user security, encryption, and regular audits, safeguarding tenant data.
  • For the second challenge, Amazon API Gateway and AWS optimization services fine-tuned over-provisioned servers, significantly cutting costs and enhancing efficiency.
  • The third challenge saw Amazon API Gateway and AWS S3 strategies. Lifecycle policies moved less-used data to cost-effective tiers, reducing expenses while ensuring data accessibility.
  • Tackling inefficiencies in API calls, Amazon API Gateway took center stage. Load distribution was optimized via host-based routing, elevating system performance and minimizing downtime.
  • Leveraging an array of AWS services, we crafted an infrastructure-as-code masterpiece. Amazon API Gateway orchestrated multi-tenancy, streamlined API routing, and optimized data storage, propelling the client toward empowered outcomes.

Metrics for success

  • Uptime is now 99.9%; earlier it was 95%.
  • Customer satisfaction score increased by 20%
  • Time to market for new products reduced by 30%
  • 95% of API requests processed within optimal response times

Architecture diagram


AWS Services

  • Amazon RDS: We used AWS RDS MySQL database to store client’s leads and contacts, and AWS RDS PostgreSQL database to store events like opens and clicks. 
  • Amazon API Gateway: We created an API using API Gateway to call a Lambda function on every event and store it in the databases.  
  • AWS Lambda: We used AWS Lambda to sync contacts in the dashboard.
  • Amazon SQS: We used AWS SQS in collaboration with AWS SNS and Lambda for queuing and messaging between services. 
  • Elastic Load Balancing: The load balancer service was used to balance the load between servers. 
  • Amazon Cloudwatch: Cloudwatch was utilized for storing logs and metrics for alarms 
  • Autoscaling: Autoscaling was used to automatically scale our servers based on demand. 
  • Target Group: Target Group was used for host-based routing
  • AWS Security Hub: It was implemented to meet compliance standards 
  • Amazon Route53: It was used for managing records.

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