MindfulMe: An AI-Powered Mental Health Application

Category: Healthcare

Services: Gen AI Development, Cloud Architecture Design and Review, Managed Engineering Teams

  • 90% improvement in user satisfaction
  • 99.9% system uptime maintained
  • 80% reduction in access time to mental health support

About MindfulMe

MindfulMe is an AI-powered app designed for university students seeking mental health support. The app offers features to help manage mental health, access various resources, and receive personalized assistance when needed. MindfulMe aims to make mental health support accessible and convenient by providing a user-friendly platform with tailored resources delivered directly through smartphones.


  • MindfulMe faced the challenge of efficiently processing and analyzing large volumes of user-generated data to provide personalized mental health support and resources.
  • Ensuring the scalability and reliability of the AI-powered chat support system was vital to handle the growing number of users and maintain a seamless user experience.
  • A secure and compliant data storage solution to protect sensitive user information and meet regulatory requirements.
  • They needed to integrate various components of the platform, such as the AI model, database, and mobile app, to create a cohesive and efficient system.
  • Automation of  the deployment and management of the application’s infrastructure was necessary to reduce manual efforts and ensure consistent performance


  • To address the challenge of processing and analyzing large volumes of user-generated data, we leveraged AWS Lambda to execute serverless functions, enabling efficient data processing and personalized recommendations for mental health resources.
  • We utilized the AWS BedRock LLM Model (Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet) to power the AI-powered chat support system, ensuring reliable conversational interactions with users.
  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL was employed as a secure and compliant database solution to store and manage sensitive user information, chat conversations, and preferences.
  • We used Amazon API Gateway to create and manage APIs, facilitating seamless integration between the AI model, database, and mobile app components of the MindfulMe platform.
  • To ensure the scalability and reliability of the application, we utilized AWS Fargate and AWS ECS to run and manage containerized backend services, enabling efficient scaling based on user demand.
  • AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy were leveraged to automate the build, test, and deployment processes, reducing manual efforts and ensuring consistent performance of the MindfulMe application.
  • Amazon CloudWatch was utilized to monitor and log metrics, collect performance data, and set alarms, providing insights into the system’s health and enabling proactive issue resolution.
  • We employed AWS S3 and AWS CloudFront to store and serve static files and content, ensuring fast and efficient content delivery to MindfulMe users worldwide.


  • AWS BedRock LLM Model (Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet) and custom prompt engineering enabled personalized mental health resources, improving user satisfaction by 90%.
  • Integration of AWS services like Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, AWS Lambda, and Amazon API Gateway reduced the average time for students to access mental health support by 80%.
  • Leveraging AWS Fargate and AWS ECS for scalable containerized deployments, along with Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring, helped maintain 99.9% system uptime.
  • The combination of AI-powered chat support using AWS BedRock LLM Model and personalized resources powered by Amazon RDS and DynamoDB led to a 60% improvement in student mental well-being within 3 months of consistent app usage.
  • Automating build, test, and deployment processes using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy allowed MindfulMe to onboard 50 universities within the first year of launch, demonstrating the platform’s scalability and adaptability.
  • Utilizing Amazon Cognito, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, and Amazon S3 ensured 100% compliance with data privacy regulations and maintained zero data breaches, prioritizing student data security.

Arhitecture Diagram

mindful ai diagram

AWS Services

  • Amazon S3: We used Amazon S3 to store and retrieve static files, such as images, videos, and other content, ensuring scalable and secure storage for the MindfulMe application.
  • AWS Lambda: Our team leveraged AWS Lambda to execute serverless functions, enabling efficient data processing and facilitating seamless integration between various components of the MindfulMe platform.
  • Amazon API Gateway: We utilized Amazon API Gateway to create, publish, and manage APIs, allowing secure and scalable access to the MindfulMe backend services.
  • Amazon DynamoDB: Our experts employed Amazon DynamoDB, a NoSQL database service, to store and retrieve user data, ensuring high performance and scalability for the MindfulMe application.
  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL: We used Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL as a managed relational database service to store and manage structured data, such as user profiles and mental health resources, for the MindfulMe platform.
  • Amazon Cognito: Our team implemented Amazon Cognito to handle user authentication, authorization, and user management, providing secure access to the MindfulMe application.
  • AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy: We leveraged AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy to automate the build, test, and deployment processes, ensuring efficient and reliable updates to the MindfulMe application.
  • Amazon S3 with CloudFront: Our team utilized Amazon S3 with CloudFront to serve static files and content, providing fast and efficient content delivery to MindfulMe users worldwide.
  • AWS Fargate: We used AWS Fargate to run and manage containerized applications, enabling seamless scaling and deployment of the MindfulMe backend services.
  • Amazon SES: Our experts incorporated Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) to send transactional emails, such as account verification and password reset emails, to MindfulMe users.
  • Amazon CloudWatch: We employed Amazon CloudWatch to monitor and log metrics, collect and track performance data, and set alarms for the MindfulMe application, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

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